Case Studies

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Narrative Description of Project:

The objective of the study was to collect base line data on bus service provision in Dhaka to better understand its problems which would in turn help design sub-projects to be undertaken during preparation of Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) project designed to address emission from bus transports.


Actual Services Provided by your Staff

The following services provided as individual contract by Director of DevConsultants Limited

  • Preparation of inventory of bus routes, buses numbers and owners from licensing records of BRTA.
  • Conducting survey to estimate number of buses which include minibuses, human haulers etc. actually operating on routes.
  • Estimating the operating cost of buses and minibuses including survey of three large bus operations and assessment of the various types of fuel in use by types of buses.
  • Establishing a reasonably accurate set of baseline data which can be used for planning and developing strategies for future consolidation and reform of the urban transport industry.
  • Inventory of cycle rickshaws from licensing records and conduct survey to determine the real number of rickshaws being operated in Dhaka.
  • Preparation of digital maps of bus routes of Dhaka City.


1,745,000.00 BDT & Million US$ 0.026
Air Quality Management Project under Department of Environment (DOE)

Narrative Description of Project:

Roads and Highways Department (RHD) had intended to perform road condition assessment works to update database of road networks. Under the program assessment was carried out on 1,713km of National Road Network, 1,941km of Regional Road Networks, and 3,432km of Zilla Roads.


Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

·         Pavement Inventory (7,086 km road)

To undertake a definite location referencing of the national, regional and zilla road network as the basis for all future road planning of RHD;

·         Road Condition Assessment  (6,963km)

Road condition assessment included assessment of pavement conditions in terms of pavement distresses like cracking, rutting, potholes, broken edge, delimitation, depression, reveling, repair of shoulder, repair of slope, repair of side drain;

·         Classified Traffic Count (375 stations)

Carried out on at 375 stations on the national, regional and zilla road networks;

·         Benkelman Beam Deflection Test (1,662 points)

In order to assess pavement stiffness, non-destructive testing by means of deflection measurement was carried out;

·         DCP Test (7134 points)

DCP test was carried out to find CBR salve of the field using the relationship between CBR and DCP value;

·         Test Pit Inventory (7,134 points)

Test pit inventory was carried out to determine the layer thickness of road construction and type of materials used in construction below the surface;

·         Bridge and culvert condition Assessment (7,435 nos.)

Bridge and culvert assessment was carried out in order to collect different types of data at frequencies appropriate to perform an evaluation of the condition of bridges and culverts and maintenance action needed to be undertaken.

0.52 million
Roads & Highways Department

The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) prepared the World Bank project entitled Clean Air and Sustainable Environment “(CASE), aiming at catalyzing the adoption of sustainable initiatives towards reducing air pollution through pilot initiatives in cities. One such initiative in the project was related to sustainable urban transport in Dhaka.

The Strategic Transport Plan (STP) for Dhaka was developed in 2005 and had recently been endorsed at the highest level of Government. One of the major recommendations of the STP was that Dhaka should gradually develop a mass transit system. A total of six major corridors were selected as potentially being suitable for either Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or metro operation.

The main objective of the study was to conduct for Bus Rapid Transit within Dhaka City. The specific tasks were:

  • Video Recording at site (Video Survey); Video Data Transcription; Travel Time study; Vehicle Occupancy Study; Friction and Constraint Survey,
  • To survey and analyze the existing demand and quality of transport along the chosen corridors;
  • To survey and analyze physical, social constraints and other local constraints for implementation of a BRT along the chosen corridors

Using criteria to be agree with GoB, to evaluate the corridors as candidates for a pilot corridor and to recommend a preferred corridor for early implementation


Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

  • Advising on traffic data collection and data analysis to evaluate suitable bus rapid corridors,
  • Traffic Engineering with Bus Priority Experience,
  • Formulation of Public Transport Planning, management and operation schemes, in consultation with the stakeholders,
  • Environment & Social Assessment and Resettlement plans for shifting towards BRT corridor in the city,
  • Analysis of Physical and other local constraints to implement BRT corridor along major corridors, and
  • Preliminary evaluation of BRT operation and potential corridors in Dhaka city and recommendation of most suitable bus routes.

0.07 million
Department of Environment (DOE) / WB

Detail Narrative Description of Project:

The Project aimed to-

  • assess the potential markets (National and Regional) and business opportunities including value added services for a deep draft sea port located in the coastal areas of Bangladesh;
  • carry out the technical studies involved and identify the most advantageous site for establishing a deep sea port;
  • assess other national and local level benefits (strategic, economic, social, obligatory public service etc.) to arise from the port which will not be reflected in the ports revenue;
  • identify key regulatory, institutional design, reform measures and incentives (fiscal or otherwise) needed to attract private investors to own and operate different segments of the deep sea port project;
  • assess environmental effects, social effects and investments required to reduce harmful effects;
  • estimate costs / investments needed for the developments in different phases, with special attention to the first phase development, identifying clearly the components and public private allocation of cost / investments;

estimate financial and economic returns on investments for the first phase development;


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

  • Review and Analysis of present situation relevant reports, data, charts on business and trade (national, regional and global); Present role of the existing sea ports, business environment; existing inland transportation network and plan for development; major port users; GOB plans, policies, strategies.
  • Port Administration Model – Strategic Plan for port management, determine the role, responsibilities and organizational structure of the deep sea port authority.
  • Public Private Participation (PPP) model – develop public participation model to develop the deep sea port.
  • Assessment of potential Market and Business Opportunities – Identification of major port users and organizations; assess demands and needs of potential users, analyze needs / demands for traditional port services; assess role of the proposed port.
  • Site Selection – Review of previous studies for deep sea draft ports along the coast of Bangladesh, identification of potential sites, classify the sites according to different drafts available, carryout required investigations and evaluate them, preparation of conceptual designs and comparative cost estimate for different potential sites, evaluate the sites based on selection criteria, recommendation of a selected site.
  • Site surveys and investigations for the preferred site.
  • Planning, layout plans, conceptual designs and cost estimates for the selected site.
  • Project appraisal (financial and economic viability of the deep sea port)

Project Management for deep sea port development

1.70 million
Ministry of Shipping, GOB

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The project intended improvement (capacity and safety improvements and some rehabilitation) of 300km of existing road links including bridges falling within the road corridor of the RHD major road network. The study comprised of Review of existing data/reports/publications (such as Road Materials & Standards Study Report and Road Master Planning Study Report etc.), review of Traffic capacity from Traffic Surveys and Traffic Forecasting, Topographic Surveys, Review of Geometric Designs with respect to international standards, identification of accident-prone locations, sharp bends, on the basis of desk reviews plus visual surveys and appropriate traffic and road engineering measures needed, including localized re-alignment of the sections where necessary, preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Screening of the study corridors, estimate land acquisition and resettlement requirements, Road Inventory and Pavement Condition Surveys of the project corridors to determine uniform sections and pre-overlay repair requirements (such as crack repair, patching, rut milling, etc.), Bridge/Culvert Condition Assessment, Economic Evaluation and Preliminary Design with cost estimates for the selected corridor.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Firm:

  • Management of overall project activities and ensure timely completion of tasks and coordination among professionals,
  • Review the existing publications/reports such as Road Materials and Standards Study (RMSS) report, Road Master Planning study report,
  • Consult the network map prepared by the HDM unit, obtain and review the current traffic counts at strategic locations for Origin-Destination (O-D) and Axle Load Surveys to establish the current pattern and volume of all motorized and non-motorized traffic movements along the study corridors,
  • Traffic Forecasting; estimation of representative growth rates for both freight and passenger traffic and forecast traffic volumes / flows on the study corridors over the next 15 years period,
  • Carry out a Traffic Capacity Analysis of the study corridors, using the traffic volume forecasts and recommend appropriate cross-sections for roads and bridges in rural and urban areas,
  • Apply screening framework to identify the project corridors on the basis of information gathered,
  • Undertake pavement condition surveys of the project corridors to determine uniform sections and pre-overlay repair requirements (such as crack repair, patching, rut milling, etc.),
  • Investigate existing roadside and cross drainage facilities, areas subject to flooding and wave erosion, and establish adequate embankment heights and road formation levels, erosion protection and drainage facilities as required,
  • Carry out preliminary investigation of existing bridges and culverts on the road section and assess their condition, adequacy of waterway opening roadway width, load capacity, expected future serviceability and the extent of repair, strengthening or replacement needed,
  • Assist in preparation of preliminary designs and associated cost estimates on the basis of a 10 years design life;
  • Economic Evaluation; estimate the return on the investment in terms of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and ratio of benefits to cost of each of the road sections,
  • Prepare Final Feasibility Study Report which includes:
  • Prioritization of roads and investments based on GoB policy,

Preliminary design of prioritized roads

0.620 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)/ The World Bank

Detail Narrative Description of Project:

Road safety components of the project comprises identification of road accident prone locations to take measures in road / pavement design to reduce accident and assist in developing standard designs for typical accident, preventive road features, including (i) channelization of intersections (ii) easing of sharp curves (iii) construction of road side bus-bays and off road parking areas for bus and trucks (iv) construction of crash barriers in median and at roadside (v) construction of separate lane for slow moving vehicles (vi) incorporation of service road at market areas (vii) upgrading of pedestrian crossing (viii) reduction of roadside activities and encroachment etc. and to supervise the construction works for accident, preventive measures and to advise and train concerned agencies and personnel on road safety issues and to undertake before and after studies to assess the impact of the safety measures.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

  • To prepare detailed engineering design, estimates and tender documents of all Pavement works;
  • Prepare guidelines for road safety audits;
  • Finalize the proposed amended geometric design of roads, intersections, bends and preparation of manual of RHD;
  • Arrange Training seminars for engineers of RHD, BRTA and local consultants and contractor;

1.54 million
Road & Highways Department (RHD)/ NORDIC Fund

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The project aimed at the rehabilitation of Dhaka-Sylhet Highway, designated by N2. It included the review of the previous consultants’ road and structural design and contract documentation, the letting and evaluation of bids, monitoring implementation of resettlement policies after land acquisition, overseeing the relocation of services, supervision of construction, and the transfer of technology and training of local staff.

A total of six contracts are included in this rehabilitation project, totaling 224.1 km, which include the widening and raising of the existing road embankment and construction of 396 nos. of structures, including 49 nos. of new or replaced PC and RCC girder bridges and 347 nos. of box culverts. Paved with penetration macadam and thin seal coat the width of the road pavement was in the range of 6.8 to 7.3 m, and was started for reconstruction, widening and strengthening to cope with the traffic demand and other factors as existing pavement condition, low embankments in some places which are subject to flooding or saturation, resulting in pavement weakening creating uneven surface. The alignment of the road developed from inter-village link roads.


Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

Administer the civil works contract and ensure that the works are constructed in accordance with its provisions.

Review of contact documents and preparation of formal contract agreement, construction supervision of 396 structures out of which 37 nos. pre-stressed concrete bridges; with necessary river training and bank protective works.

Implementation of the project activities in scheduled timeline,

Review of pavement and highway design and redesign if and where necessary,

Quality control including supervision of laboratory and field tests carried out for the project,

Arrangement to establish a quality assurance system, and training of local engineers in quality control procedures and supervision techniques,

Certify payments of quality and quantity,

Project planning, monitoring, reporting and financial management,

Environmental monitoring during period of constructions.

9.70 million
Roads and Highway Department (RHD)

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The scope of consultancy services comprised of the following:

  • Development of guidelines for prioritizing the needs for investment in improvement and maintenance of core Feeder Roads (FRBs) and important Rural Roads (RRs) in 64 districts of Bangladesh;
  • Development of guidelines for selecting and prioritizing specific core FRBs and important RRs to be improved and maintained in a particular area of the region.
  • Review the FRA roads priority list of RHD and development of guidelines for prioritizing the FRA roads in all 64 districts for their improvement and maintenance.
  • Preparation of priority ranking of selected core FRBs of the 64 districts for its improvement and maintenance and a progressive investment proposal of annual development packages.

Identification of priority work programme for improvement and maintenance for 5 years based on the prioritized selected core FRBs network


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

  • Produce priority list of core FRBs proposed to be maintained and another list of core FRBs for its improvement to the national standard for all 64 districts within 6 divisions in Bangladesh with a networking approach.
  • Provide national guidelines for selecting and prioritizing the geographic areas for new Rural Development Projects (RDP).
  • Develop standard guidelines for different core FRBs and important RRs investment programs in selecting and prioritizing core FRBs and important RR1s.
  • Prepare priority ranking of selected core FRBs of the 64 districts and a progressive investment proposal.

Identify Priority Work Program (PWP) for five years based on the prioritized core FRBs and important RR1s network.

0.36 million
Local Government Engineering Department

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

This was a sub-project under Dhaka Urban Transport Project (DUTP) undertaken with the World Bank financing. Saidabad/Jatrabari flyover extends over the elevated section further west to cross the Narayanganj railway line beyond the Saidabad intersection.  Section of roadway between Saidabad and Jatrabari junctions is the gateway from Dhaka to areas South and South East of the Country. The scope of services included review of the earlier geometric design of the Jatrabari flyover, Saidabad Intersection, and Saidabad Inter District Bus Terminal to be integrated as grade separated connecting roadways, cross-sections and alignments.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

  • Review previous designs and develop a limited number of options for screening,
  • Screen the various options and select the most viable option for further analysis,
  • Quantify the economic viability of the selected option in a coarse way,
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the selected options,
  • Make recommendation for 5.3 km long (including ramp) with multi span box girder Flyover of two levels at Saidabad Inter Section (Span length 30m to 50m) starting from Jatrabari Inter-section up to Railway crossing at Saidabad,
  • Preparation of Preliminary Design including cost estimates,
  • Recommendation of the feasible option to the Government of Bangladesh for subsequent actions.

Greater Dhaka Transport Planning and Coordination Board (DTCB)

Dhaka Urban Transport Project (DUTP) is a mega project for transport infrastructure improvement of Dhaka city, funded by WB. The project is a follow up of DITS and mainly comprises the following components:

Improvement of 30 nos. intersections; Design, procurement and installation of microprocessor controlled 59 nos. traffic signal system at road intersections, 126 km of arterial roads; parking facilities and auto restricted zones, 9 nos. pedestrian over bridges; 185 km sidewalks ; 3 nos. Inter-district bus terminals in Dhaka city.

Design and construction supervision of superstructure of 101 meter pre-stressed concrete bridge on the river Turag on Tongi diversion Road. Review of design and redesign of flyovers at Mohakhali and Jatrabari in the Dhaka city. Feasibility studies for alternative options of Jatrabari flyover designs of its different options preparation of estimates for the same; economic viabilities for each options; construction supervision of 1020m Mohakhali flyover including the ramps on both sides consisting of 19 nos. of spans which varies from 26m to 63m pre-cast PC box girder. The flyover has 4 lanes (two each way). The superstructures are provided on 18 nos. RCC of piers with by pre-cast and cast in-situ RCC keeping provisions for lightening and drainage. 522 nos. of RCC cast-in-situ piles are required to be provided under the piers and abutments. The project includes construction of 3 Nos. Bus terminal providing 185 km Pedestrian facility and 9 Nos. Foot over-bridges, secondary road management/maintenance. The project also includes database development of DCC road network (Visual road condition Survey – 400 kms; Road inventory – 157 nos.; Sub-grade and pavement DCP test – 157 nos.; Deflection test – 157 nos.; Traffic survey – 140 points; Roughness survey – 400 km (536 nos. road); R.L referencing of outlet and inlet of the storm water and sewerage line of DPHE – 61.148 km) for Road Maintenance & Management System (RMMS) and institutional strengthening /capacity building of DTCB, RHD and DCC.


Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

Infrastructure development

  • Carry out engineering surveys and investigations;
  • Pre-construction Services (bid preparation for pre-qualification of contractors, preparation of bid documents and bid evaluation and assistance in award of contract);
  • Review of designs, Detailed Engineering Designs of all new infrastructure facilities and redesigns of flyover at Mohakhali under the project;
  • Preparation of Environment Management Plan (EMP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP);
  • Supervision construction of all components as per FIDIC conditions of contracts;
  • Preparation and implementation of Quality Assurance Plan (QAP);
  • Collection of baseline data (pre and post project), analysis of data for project impact assessment, project benefits and monitoring of environmental and resettlement mitigation measures,
  • Liaison with clients/donors and reporting as per standard international practices;

Institutional Support

  • Assessment of training needs, preparation of training plans imparting on-the-job training (OJT) and overseas training program for DCC/ RHD/ MoRTB/ DTCA officials,
  • Road Inventory and Condition Survey, Updating of the Road Referencing database, Road Maintenance &  Management System (RMMS) for Dhaka City Corporation road network:

Planning and Policy Studies for urban development (Parking policy, bus route franchising and Study on inter district  bus terminal management in private sector)

11.28 million
Greater Dhaka Transport Planning and Coordination Board