Feasibility Study of Network improvement for the proposed Road Sector Reform Project (RSRP) under RRMP-II; (GoB and World Bank funded).

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The project intended improvement (capacity and safety improvements and some rehabilitation) of 300km of existing road links including bridges falling within the road corridor of the RHD major road network. The study comprised of Review of existing data/reports/publications (such as Road Materials & Standards Study Report and Road Master Planning Study Report etc.), review of Traffic capacity from Traffic Surveys and Traffic Forecasting, Topographic Surveys, Review of Geometric Designs with respect to international standards, identification of accident-prone locations, sharp bends, on the basis of desk reviews plus visual surveys and appropriate traffic and road engineering measures needed, including localized re-alignment of the sections where necessary, preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Screening of the study corridors, estimate land acquisition and resettlement requirements, Road Inventory and Pavement Condition Surveys of the project corridors to determine uniform sections and pre-overlay repair requirements (such as crack repair, patching, rut milling, etc.), Bridge/Culvert Condition Assessment, Economic Evaluation and Preliminary Design with cost estimates for the selected corridor.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Firm:

  • Management of overall project activities and ensure timely completion of tasks and coordination among professionals,
  • Review the existing publications/reports such as Road Materials and Standards Study (RMSS) report, Road Master Planning study report,
  • Consult the network map prepared by the HDM unit, obtain and review the current traffic counts at strategic locations for Origin-Destination (O-D) and Axle Load Surveys to establish the current pattern and volume of all motorized and non-motorized traffic movements along the study corridors,
  • Traffic Forecasting; estimation of representative growth rates for both freight and passenger traffic and forecast traffic volumes / flows on the study corridors over the next 15 years period,
  • Carry out a Traffic Capacity Analysis of the study corridors, using the traffic volume forecasts and recommend appropriate cross-sections for roads and bridges in rural and urban areas,
  • Apply screening framework to identify the project corridors on the basis of information gathered,
  • Undertake pavement condition surveys of the project corridors to determine uniform sections and pre-overlay repair requirements (such as crack repair, patching, rut milling, etc.),
  • Investigate existing roadside and cross drainage facilities, areas subject to flooding and wave erosion, and establish adequate embankment heights and road formation levels, erosion protection and drainage facilities as required,
  • Carry out preliminary investigation of existing bridges and culverts on the road section and assess their condition, adequacy of waterway opening roadway width, load capacity, expected future serviceability and the extent of repair, strengthening or replacement needed,
  • Assist in preparation of preliminary designs and associated cost estimates on the basis of a 10 years design life;
  • Economic Evaluation; estimate the return on the investment in terms of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and ratio of benefits to cost of each of the road sections,
  • Prepare Final Feasibility Study Report which includes:
  • Prioritization of roads and investments based on GoB policy,

Preliminary design of prioritized roads

0.620 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)/ The World Bank